Wednesday, 16 September 2009

Arundel Castle with the Cohorts

The past few days have been spent in all of our new classes... which (like I said on Monday) are long, but pretty interesting. Just like at Penn State though, I change my mind at the last minute as to which classes I want to take, cuz it just makes life interesting.

Well, instead of taking a computer games in education class (which was a really good first lesson), I'm transferring into a Citizenship, Race, and Ethnicity class. I looked at the syllabus, and its going to be really interesting. I've been channeling my cultural, sociological and historical side lately.

For example, today, we took a train from Bognor to Arundel and walked to the Castle. It was beautiful... exploring the gardens, the castle, climbing the windy-tiny steps up to the top of the "keep" where most of the fortification was. Needless to say, my inner nerd was quite at peace. The bonus was that two of the U.K. students in our program, and the 3 Swedish kids came along as well (aka, our cohorts)... so we've been doing quite a bit of bonding. It's rather amazing that so far we've all been getting along pretty well. Although, it was nice today to break off into smaller groups of four when we went around the Castle... sometimes I feel like a little duckling... and am rather hindered? by walking with an entire group... even though I'm having fun. It's nice to be intimate.

While I'm on the discussion of history, and potentially taking a class that might not transfer as what I need for education (who the heck knows at this point), I do know that I could get the class to transfer as a history or geography credit, which would be cool also (since, until 6 months ago, I was working toward a history major). I doubt I can still make that work... but all the same, I don't think I'm ruling it out for good. Additionally, I'm not ruling out teaching secondary ed (history, and then history education were my initial majors). I'm in elementary education now (which I'm completely interested in, and what I love to do). BUT, I've realized I get bored rather easily... and am going to want options... potentially work in different types of school settings because I have so many interests.

The latest interest (although its been there forever really) has been math education. If you know me, I'm SO not a math brain. But I've gotten through some of the tougher classes by hardwork, teacher help, mom's guidance, and lots of tears (seriously). I've always thought of myself as not being good at math, but I never stopped to consider that I was mostly in the higher levels, which is an achievement in itself. I just didn't naturally click every concept. Over the years I've tutored people my age (or younger) in math... mainly algebra1,2, or geometry. And I can do that. I can understand math concepts in math terms... but explain them to non-math brains, like myself. So, that long rant was pretty much my way of saying that I'll be also going for my middle school math certification after graduation. Pretty unimportant for you all to know... but runs along the vein of me not limiting myself anymore... being open minded... learning more about what I enjoy... and not stressing about classes fitting and transferring perfectly.

A good friend encourages people in her blog to find "beauty in the imperfections." My perfectionist nature goes against this... but I've been striving the past few years to let go, and just let life happen with God's control. I'm becoming an adventurer (who still does a bit of worrying and planning of course), which I never thought I'd be.

That was a super ADD post... one of these days I'm going to talk about my 2008-2010 battle with fearlessness... since its kinda been my anthem... it should make all my ramblings a lot more sensible.

peace and love :)

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