Wednesday, 9 December 2009

I don't want a lot for Christmas

So, it's that time of year. The absolute best time in my opinion. This year, though, the Christmas music, decorations, and gingerbread lattes have me more excited to go home than anything else!

As of today, I have exactly 9 days until I will be on American soil once again. There is light at the end of the tunnel. Although, to be fair, the tunnel isn't completely pitch black. It's actually got a few sparkly lights, even windows in it leading me through. Basically, it's been a wonderful semester. I just got back from Barcelona 10 days ago (it was lovely! much much better than I expected)... and a final christmas shopping trip to London this past weekend (yes london still remains in my top two cities!).

Now, I'm finishing up (or um, well, starting in some cases) my assessments that are due next week. I'm rather stressed about them actually. Well, not really. Considering I'm not stressed enough to always sit down and work on them. But yea, for the first time, school work is really and truly hanging over my head. So that's a new one.

Anyway... its really kinda hard to focus on school work when all I want to do is hang out with friends here, talk to friends at home, dream about christmases in lancaster, and think about the experiences I've had, and all the ones I now WANT to have.

Which brings me to what I want for Christmas. Really, all I want is to be home and travel at the same time. Make sense? Probably not. But, I dont really need anything. Yea, I could probably use some new perfume, you know, so the europeans don't think we americans are smelly. And some nice cuddly socks (socks are probably the most underrated item of clothing in my opinion). But other than that... I don't need stuff. I've actually been thinking the past year or two about how much stuff I really do have. And I'd like to give back...

Another thing I've been doing instead of school work is looking up missions and work opportunities. I have absolutely nothing nailed down. I could do a summer, a week, a semester, a year... I could go to China, Africa, India, Israel, Louisiana, or even PA. I don't know. I desperately wish I wasn't locked into being at penn state next year... cuz I'd really like to keep traveling and do missions work somewhere abroad. But, I'll have to find another opportunity that fits a little better... if that's whats meant to be. But really... it's been on my heart a lot... and kinda challenging me. I'd like to be able to go a summer without working... but since I will continue to spend this year spending money on my travels... I should probably earn something. BUT here I am stressing about worldly things. AGAIN. haha.

Anyway... this is me rambling... and potentially angering my mother that I'm not even back yet and i might want to leave again (ha! not really... i miss home a lot... i just realise how much more there is to see and experience out there)...

So, ciao for now... perhaps the next time I update I'll be celebrating with some fantastic turkey hill eggnog and momma brady christmas butter cookies :)